Digital signature for foreigners
1 Based on SSN (Social Service Number)
The digital signature based on SSN is used in the following websites
- for signing documents (word, excel, pdf)
- The foreign citizen sends the necessary documents in advance using the tool below
- Makes a payment
- Within a maximum of 2 working days is invited to EKENG (address: 4 Tigran Mets ave., 5th floor, 0010, Yerevan) for personal identification (the presence of a passport is mandatory).
After authentication the applicant receives via email
- ARX Cosign software link
- signature certificate
- username and initial password (Create a new password)
Digital signature on the basis of SSN is not provided if the foreign citizen is not in the Republic of Armenia.
In order to receive a SSN, it is necessary to apply to the Migration and Citizenship Service (Ministry of Internal affairs of Armenia) (
Guideline "Signing the Income Declaration ( using the digital signature provided on the basis of SSN" (Download pdf)
The ARX-Cosign software and User manual The ARX-Cosign software and User manual
2 Based on TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number)
The electronic signature issued on the basis of TIN is used EXCLUSIVELY in the unified portal of electronic services for natural persons
- A person authorized by a foreign citizen applies to the SRC of RA
- Registers the relevant e-mail in SRC
- SRC sends a login link to the e-mail (Login and Password are created by the user)
- The necessary documents of a foreign citizen are sent using the tool below
- Makes a payment
Within 1-2 working days EKENG sends a digital signature details to the email address provided by the SRC of Armenia
- ARX Cosign software link
- username and initial password (Create a new password)
Guideline "Signing the Income Declaration ( using the digital signature provided on the basis of TIN"( Download pdf
The ARX-Cosign software and User manual